SNOOZEBOX COMPETITION Offering flexible configurations and room availability, Snoozebox can be ready to welcome guests within days of arriving at almost any event or location around the world.
CONCEPT Room contains one fixed part which includes: *Wardrobe at a lower height with hangers and two sliding shelves *Bed at a higher height *Fixed shelves *Assemble and removable bed structure at a higher height Movable parts of the room are sofa bed, desk with chair and coffee table with tabouret. This can be a living room and use upper bed as a storage, or you can have 4 separate beds in the room.
LIVING ROOM SETTING In this setting sofa bed is in the sofa mode and if you open the curtain you have space opened visualy with a mirror on the bathroom door. Considering also that you have a wide window towards corridors in the front and desk infront of it, you can also use this setting for any tipe of sale or advertising.
MASTER BEDROOM SETTING Sofa bed is held on the side walls on the structural rails, so just by pulling it becomes a master bed. you can have more cozy feel if you close the currtain that separates the spase from the hall.
MULTIBEDDES BEDROOM SETTING Sofa is consisted of two separate parts and the first one can slide on rails all the the way to wardrobe, which leaves the space between two beds to fit desk and coffee table. Also, in the upper part of the side walls there is hidden construction for the fourth bed. half of each side that assemble at the middle (actually parts are not entirely the same, the one in the fixed part of the room is bigger). Mattress for this bed is hidden under the sofa until needs to be used.
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